"The city of Multan is suffering from a curse of having too many PSL matches."

 Whether Multan is "cursed" with PSL matches is a matter of opinion. Here are some different perspectives to consider:

PSL 9- 2024

For fans of cricket and the PSL:

The city benefits economically and emotionally from hosting PSL matches. This is a great opportunity for fans to see their favourite players live and experience the thrill of the competition first-hand. In addition to increasing tourism and revenue, the matches result in greater growth in the city.

Negative: Local sporting events and cultural events might be prioritized over PSL matches in the city. In addition, the large crowds and traffic congestion associated with the matches can disrupt residents' lives.

For people who are not interested in cricket:

Negative: There can be a lot of noise and disruption caused by the matches for those who are not interested in cricket. Multan administrators have blocked the route security measures for the Ch Pervaiz Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan during match days, and traffic congestion can seriously hamper daily activities. 

"The city of Multan is suffering from a curse of having too many PSL matches."

Ultimately, whether Multan is "cursed" with PSL matches depends on individual perspectives and priorities. Talking about such topics should be conducted respectfully with a recognition of different viewpoints.

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